Dr Emma E. Doyle

Postal address: Soil & Earth Sciences
Institute of Natural Resources
PN 432, Massey University
Private Bag 1122
Palmerston North
New Zealand
E mail address: emmadoyle79 (at) gmail.com

Volcanology, Numerical & Analogue Modelling,
Fluid Flow, Hazards & Risk Assessment, Seismology.

Current Position (28/01/2008 onwards):

Marsden Post-Doctoral Fellow, Massey University, New Zealand

Joining the Marsden Research Project: Capturing the secrets of a life-sized lahar (MAUX0512)

Focus: Analysing field measurements from the 18 March 2007 Ruapehu lahar, N.Z. and rain-triggered lahars at Semeru, Indonesia. Investigating bulking and debulking of these lahars. Developing a theoretical function to describe the time-dependent entrainment and deposition processes of lahars, for use in numerical models.

PhD (2003-2007), Bristol University, UK:

Analogue and numerical modelling of gravity currents and pyroclastic flows

Focus: Developing a 2-layer numerical pyroclastic flow model using the Finite Volume Method in C++, modelling granular column collapse, box models of fluidised granular flow and laboratory experiments investigating fluid gravity current flow.

Thesis advisors: Prof. Steve Sparks & Dr. Heidy Mader

Funding: NERC (19/09/2003-19/09/2006)


  • Modeling dense pyroclastic basal flows from collapsing columns.
    Doyle, E. E., Hogg, A. J., Mader, H. M. and Sparks, R.S.J
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, VOL. 35, L04305, doi:10.1029/2007GL032585
    GRL Link.

  • Static and flowing regions in granular collapses down channels: Insights from a sedimenting shallow water model.
    Doyle, E. E., Huppert, H. E., Lube, G., Mader, H. M. and Sparks, R.S.J
    Physics of Fluids,  October 2007, Vol.19, No.10, 106601, DOI: 10.1063/1.2773738
    PoF Link

  • Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat (1995-2003): what happens when pyroclastic flows enter the ocean?
    J. Trofimovs, L. Amy, G. Boudon, C. Deplus, E. Doyle, N. Fournier, M. B. Hart, J. C. Komorowski, A. Le Friant, E. J. Lock, C. Pudsey, G. Ryan, R. S. J. Sparks, P. J. Talling.
    Geology, 2006, v. 34, no 7, pp 549-552.
    Geology link

  • A numerical model of the formation and growth of a basal granular avalanche from a hot ash cloud. The first stage in the development of a two-layer pyroclastic flow model.
    E. E. Doyle, A. J. Hogg, H. M. Mader, R. S. J. Sparks
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 00046, 2006 (EGU06-A-00046)
    Geophyiscal Research Abstracts link to pdf

  • Conference Presentations:

  • Modelling hazardous volcanic flows: From pyroclastic ash cloud to granular avalanche.
    Invited seminars presented at the Department of Mathematics at the University of East Anglia (23/04/07) and to the Fluid Group Seminar series in the Department of Mathematics at Bristol University (08/03/07).

  • Application of granular column collapse physics for modelling pyroclastic flows.
    E. E. Doyle, H. M. Mader, R. S. J. Sparks, A J. Hogg. Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Winter Meeting, Oxford University, Jan. `07.

  • Application of granular column collapse physics for modelling pyroclastic flows.
    E. E. Doyle, H. M. Mader, R. S. J. Sparks, A J. Hogg. George P.L. Walker symposium on Advances in Volcanology, Iceland, June `06.

  • A numerical model of the formation and growth of a basal granular avalanche from a hot ash cloud. The first stage in the development of a two-layer pyroclastic flow model.
    E. E. Doyle, R. S. J. Sparks, H. M. Mader, A J. Hogg. EGU General Assembly, April `06.
    Geophyiscal Research Abstracts: EGU06-A-00046

  • Pyroclastic flow models and the use of granular column collapse theory.
    E. E. Doyle, R. J. Sparks, H. M. Mader, A. J. Hogg. British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Keele, April `06

  • Modelling a collapsing granular flow as a fluid gravity current, an analogue for pyroclastic flows.
    E. E. Doyle, O Roche, H M. Mader & R. S J. Sparks. Poster presented at IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Nov. `04

  • Education:

  • 2003: M.Res. Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere. Distinction
    Department of Earth Sciences. University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
    Thesis Title: Characteristics of Low Frequency Events at Montserrat.
    Supervisor: Dr. Jurgen Neuberg

  • 2002: M.Geophys. Geophysical Sciences (N.America). 1st Class
    Department of Earth Sciences. University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
    Thesis Title: STROMBOLI 1999: Digital Video Footage in Comparison with Seismics and Pressure Data.
    Supervisor: Dr. Jurgen Neuberg

  • Curriculum Vitae:

    Available by request: emmadoyle79 (at) gmail.com

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